Friday, November 23, 2007

Hi everyone!
Ethel here!
everyone feel free to join us!
the more the merrier!;)
and this is another picture we took!
it forms D2!: D
with more people this time!

God bless!


5:37 AM

Hi guys.

It's Billy again. Just wanted to post..

I was listening to a song called happy ending by Mika. It's really nice and i enjoyed it alot. The thing that really impacted me in this song is the message and how the song is played out..The song is about a guy who's just broken up with his girlfriend. Normally i wld not really go for these songs but how the lyrics works out really touches me. He really pours out alot of feelings into the song and he describes them really really well.

This is the way you left me,
I’m not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

This is the way that we love,
Like its forever,
Then live the rest of our life,
Both not together

Wake up in the morning,
Stumble on my life,
Can’t get no love without sacrifice,
If anything should happen,
I guess I wish you well,
Mmm a little bit of heaven,
But a little bit of hell

This is the hardest story,
that I have ever told,
No hope, or love, or glory,
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I’m wasting,
And I waste every day

And what really hit me alot is the middle of the song where the chorus is played out in a crecendo of voices..and what really just made me think is the amount of voices that were in the chorus. There are people out here in the world who are crying out inside and outside really badly. There are people who NEED alot of love and warmth that they never found. There are so many people out there who really need just one helping hand, just one direction, just one smile or a word of life. What i really thought hard is- Who's gonna help these people? They're so heartbroken, heartsick, dead on the inside and really needing some help, and everyone's just passing by them although they're on their knees? What's going to help these people in this time, when they're really dead?

That's when the next verse came in..and it said,

"A little bit of love."

And in the same way, it gradually rose and became a choir of voices..and it really hit me that hey. It's us who can do it. It's us who have love, love from Above, love from God. We have that love..and we can just give that little love to them and we can help them find such a great future. such a great warmth and kindness.

The song really made me and reminded me of who's out there and who needs God.

And it really made me think, "Billy, are you doing all you are to give that little bit of love?"

I replied, I'll try.

Let's try our best to bring God into their lives yeah? There's another crecendo of voices rising against the wall of depressed, sick, tired souls who are able to speak life and rewaken the spirit inside these lost people..Let us be those voices who can speak life into them.

So many , SO many people need God..can't we try a little harder?

I dont know if this made sense but i really felt like i had to post it..yeah.


3:26 AM

Sunday, November 18, 2007


9:53 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hey guys. Billy here!

Just wanted to share with you something awesome I had during service's short but amazing. When we were doing that song.."You said mountians will move.." God spoke to me about problems and stuff..stuff like facing rejection when inviting people!

One thing that really's difficult is when you try to invite people and nothing gets done..they don't come or just keep backing out..sometimes they even get irritated and stuff when we try to reach out. It's really heartbreaking to lose a friend's trust over reaching out..i was thinking about that during service and God spoke to me very clearly then:

"When you call on my name, mountians will move. Swords may be broken and shields ,ay be splintered, but when you call on my name, in whatever circumstance in whatever place, a victory i will set for you."

So was really powerful. Let's not be discouraged when we reach out and people reject us and all..sometimes it's difficult but we have God to lean on and to pray to right? (: He's always there for us..Maybe sometimes we need to pray a little bit more to God and for these friends.

Sometimes rejection seems like a devestating loss, but the reality is that with faith in Jesus nothing is impossible and anyone can be saved. We just gotta keep calling on his name no matter what! (:


5:45 AM

Monday, November 12, 2007


Hi everybody,

First, congratulations to people who have finished major exam!

Yesterday I wanted to share this on our blog but Billy shared his new entry. So I share today in order to make this blog alive. I know that most of you guys are wondering which ministry to join. Yes, HEART OF GOD CHURCH IS BIG and GROWING BIGGER! We – the people in His house are also growing bigger. So the more ministries we have, the more hands are needed to raise up. Serving God doesn’t mean that you find it nice and easy to join. Hello! You’re serving your Father – our ALMIGHTY GOD and people. So just raise up and volunteer any ministry that needs people. Let's make things happen and make our CG become a powerful CG that have people in every ministry in church! Hey, D2, GO ON!

I’m happy to be an usher. Some people think that being on usher duty is tough and they don’t want to join. Do you know that usher ministry is one of the best ministries? A lot of people have told me, “Usher? Just bring the chair out and in, just stay at the glass door and shout out loud; “Hello, welcome to Heart of God church! This way, please!” and that’s all!” Inside the meaning of being of an usher, there’re conditions, experiences and lessons for you to grow up as leaders.

There’s so much fun to be ushers. Serving God is also to learn about discipleship. I’m currently in Fighters team of Usher Ministry. My chief usher is Jeremy Lim (aka Noni) who is not only a humorous guy but also a gorgeous leader. Sometimes, it’s so great to listen to him preaching some old sermons that last time Pastor How and Pastor Lia spoke. There’s one sermon named “Servanthood” (who wants this CD, please ask Tock! It’s a very very powerful sermon) that Pastor Lia preached. Pastor preached about “A HEART” – A willing and prepared heart to serve. It’s about willingness. When we’re willing to serve God, we can find everything so easy to do and we can do it well. It’s a heart of love to serve God despite of anything troubling you. When you have the willingness, you also have the power and energy to serve.

Ushers are not only the people, who help you find the seats, show you the way to go but they’re the people doing the best in God’s will. From the outside, they’re serving, into the inside, there’s a hungry heart to serve and learn new things. After every service, every usher team has a briefing. It’s the time when ushers realize their mistakes. From those mistakes, they correct the mistake, grow stronger and bigger and have more experiences. Ushers learn how to smile widely and warmly because they are learning to be more open to people. That's reasons why ushers have a wide relationship circle in church. A lot of newcomers have got saved when they were served so well by ushers who is servant-hearted. That’s the reason why a lot of people from Usher Ministry have grown up to become great leaders – the pillars in Heart of God church. For example, Roy was Head of Usher ministry, now is Zone Supervisor. Jian Ming is currently Head of Usher Ministry and also CGL. And also a lot of them have become leaders in this house of God. You may check out Usher Ministry's blog: to know how great it is to be an usher from some of their testimonies. (You guys can read my sharing there also :D)


I can hear Yolanda who everyday asks people to help her join BM. BM needs people!
I can hear Candy (Café 2nd IC) who everyday worries about who would be able to stay back late for cleaning-up.
I can hear Sister Alicia (Head of Decoration Ministry – Fashion) who every time claims “We need a man!” (Haha)
I can hear sometimes chief ushers “Our team has more than 20 people but today only 11 people!" (Actually, 11 people of us made things happened! :D)
... And a lot of other ministries needing people.

Anyway, I must tell you guys, serving in a lot of ministries doesn't mean 'crazy', but it means 'RADICAL'!





4:45 pm (V'nam)

12:40 AM

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hey Guys, It's Billy here. Just really..Feel like posting something that's been on my mind for quite a time.

These few months are gonna be really amazing. I think that there are many souls to be saved, lives to be changed, and fervent believers to rise. It's gonna happen, We'll break through 700, 1000, no problem. But everyone's gotta play his/her part. Everyone's gotta chip in something from each side to make it happen. It's a team effort- We're all part of the dream and vision. Let's make it happen!

One thing that i feel that God's been speaking to me about these past few months is the importance of taking things in the spirit, and i think that we really have to do this for our targets, the church, our friends. Taking things in the spirit is the first step to a great series of spiritual works..It's bringing things up to God first. There's always a door open in heaven for prayer to go through. There's a door- a door of opportunity for others. An opportunity for things to happen! The opportunity for our friends to get saved, our church to grow, nations to worship Him.

(After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”) Revelations 4.

If we don't move through that door nothing's gonna happen. We've gotta do something in the spirit first. Take these friends through the spiritual door and pray for them- make it a point everyday to maintain that prayer. Fast. Pray. Fast. Pray. Fast. Pray. Nothing more. We gotta take it to the Lord in prayer. Take it to the heavens. Make it happen in the heavenlies and make it happen on the earth. The bible says, everything that happens above happens here in earth. It's simple, we have to take it to Jesus in prayer and keep going. Be persistent. The one thing that we gotta do is to pray specifically and consistently. We HAVE to move through this door of prayer if we want to see our friends saved- Let's do that.

We have to take things above in prayer if we want to see it happen in the heavens. Persistent, Hard prayer.

We've got to keep the prayer going and the works flowing. Works are the same thing- we have to work consistently, specifically and persistently. God requires all of us- Let's give it all to him. One thing we also need to do is to surrender ourselves to him everyday- Let us be an instrument to his will and his efforts. Let us be his workers and soldiers on earth. We need to surrender ourselves to him in order to see things happen. Surrender yourself to God, Love Him, Seek Him, pray, and you'll find things working out well for you.

(And we know that all things work for the good to those whoo leve God, to those who are called according to His Purpose.) Romans 8.28

Jesus Needs workers in the fields of the world. Jesus needs you! We need to surrender ourselves to Him daily to see things happen. Prayer (Specifically+Consistently) + Works (Specifically + Consistently) and Surrendering ourselves to His purpose are the things that are gonna make the difference if we're gonna do this. It's gonna make the difference in a life. A soul. It's gonna bring someone lost into the kingdom of God.

We need to be his workers. Willing to surrender to His purpose, and to listen to his Instructions. Workers who will pray and take things in the spirit before they take things in the physical.

The devil's going to throw everything at us. Discouragement, Doubt, Chaos. Limitation.

But with God everything's possible. Lean on Him. Lean on His spirit. Move for His spirit.

Carry the cross and keep the fire burning through the tough times- the crazy times that we face.

We have to keep going. Gotta keep riding the wave like a surfer. So what if the waves seem so high? WE CAN RIDE THE WAVE IF WE TELL OURSELVES WE CAN!

Lives are waiting to be saved. Souls need direction. People need love.

We have the solution.
We have the love.
We have the answer.
We have the fire.
We have Heart of God church.
We have the cross.
We have the Holy Spirit.
We have Jesus.
We have God Almighty.

We can achieve the dream.

We're the dream team after all, right?


10:37 PM

Friday, November 9, 2007

Today, I wanna share with you guys 1 thing that you saw it before, read it before and shouted out it before in on of the service. I remembered it and asked Kris to help me find. It's so nice that I can't keep it for my own but also want to share to everybody in D2. So here we go ... !

Confessing the word and Changing my language
(Adapted from ‘Faith’ by Phil Pringle, P88)

I like my life.
I enjoy my life.
I love my family.
I love my job.
Life works out for me.
I love God.
God loves me.
I’m a happy person.
I’m a peaceful person.
I enjoy people.
I think the right kind of thoughts.
I read the right kind of materials.
I speak the right kind of words.
I eat the right kind of food.
Inside my heart, the sun is shining every day.
I find solutions to problems.
No problems is too big, no task is too difficult, nothing is impossible.
I find answers to questions.
Doors are open to me.
The favour of man and God is upon me.
Every thing I do shall prosper.
My mind is healthy.
My emotions are stable.
I’m happy with the way I look.
I’m changing the areas that need changing.
I’m growing stronger everyday.
I’m walking with God.
God is walking with me.
I’m a prayerful person.
I enjoy praying.
I love the Bible.
I love church.
I love my church.
I love God’s word.
I love God’s people.
I love God’s word.
I love worshipping God.
I love serving God.
I’m a creative person.
I’m a healthy person.
I’m a fit person.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
I’m happy about my past.
All things are working together for good in my life.

10:11 PM

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hey D2,
Today I'm posting this to say 'Thanks' to everybody for being my fellows in 'heart of God church' during the last 5 months. I'm happy to be in our church. VERY!

I'm going back my country next Thursday. I'm gonna miss you guys a lot! :(
But I will fight to come back as early as possible!
I will stay strong in God!


7:13 AM


5:08 AM

Friday, November 2, 2007

It's Billy again. Just realised that i've not posted anything about my experiences or whatever, so since i'm free now here i am, in front of the computer re-weaving a part of my life for all to see. Just wanted to share my testimony with you guys since i don't know you all so well and i'd like to know you guys better. I'll make the first move ;)

Before I came to church, i was an angry, emo kid. I had problems with religon, especially christianity when i was a very young boy. I was a loner throughout my secondary school life and just made friends because everybody made them. I was an average person in my studies and never studied hard. I used to have then a "why work?" school attitude, as my father owns a buisness and he wants me and my siblings to take over, and since i have the skills i need in design i don't need to study chemistry, math or go to school. I never understood the point of religion, and lived my life on a philosophy of doing good to others and developing the mind. The problem was, my whole life was so warped by my perceptions, living with this philosophy turned out horrific results. I elevated others freely and loved to help, but even if it hurt myself, i didn't feel it. I suffered for others and i didn't see it, and whatever i suffered, I blamed on myself for being imperfect. In the end, I turned out to be a self-hating, selfless person! (Believe it or not, that's the case.) During sec three, my attitude in life and school worsened, and life got horribly worse for me. I was failing many subjects in school and having issues with friends. I got bullied regularly and bullied back as well. Sec three was also the period of my life where i really went down emotionally. I kept hearing stuff every day about death and destruction in the world, wars and politics, children being murdered for an unjust cause, crazy things.

My emotional state was particularly hit when my Uncle and Grandmother passed away. It was also the point of time where i started my hate crusade against Christianity and God (Yes, I used to be very Anti-Christian.) During my Grandmother's funeral, my uncle and other christians came up suddenly during the funeral and told us that she had accepted christ before she passed away. Of course, the rest of my family were enraged and they had an argument over it. This lasted many days and nights, even in the funeral grounds they shouted at each others and nearly came to blows, young and old. The children were caught in the middle. My uncle announced to everyone in the funeral that "If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.", and that we can be saved if we join them to accept Jesus. I got extremely furious at Christianity. It was a direct threat- Join us, or die eternally with the rest of your unb elieving family. It was something i could not understand- Does it mean that if i die and do good, and if everyone dies and does good, we'll all suffer to eternity in hell because we didn't believe in some rebel who died horribly called Jesus Christ? Why does Jesus not care about me or my grandmother or anybody? If he's so wonderful, how come i'm suffering and everyone's suffering, why is the iraq war shootings and masacres happening? Why is God letting people kill and kill and kill and kill over and over again? It was too much for me, and i only came up with one single conclusion: It's not true, and it's my duty as a righteous person in society to let others know that these "christians" are absolutely insane, ridiculously simple minded and despise anyone who hasn't accepted Jesus.

I went about everywhere, at home, in school, in public, telling everyone i knew that Jesus Christ wasn't real and that the things about hell were absolute nada. I convinced some to join me with the fight against Christ, and it just went around, a vicious circle of senseless hate and anger. This went on for months and months and months. Finally, a period of time came where i just realised something. I'm just hating Christianity for emotions and nothing else. Maybe there's some logic in their beliefs when i read their books or whatever, i don't know. Then I decided to find out about my enemy instead of just hating it senselessly. I attended churches, went about to many friends asking them about the bible and Jesus's teachings. I searched and searched for an answer to my grief, unhappiness and hate, and there was nothing.

During one of the holidays, I went to a church for some movie marathon that my friend invited me for. In the middle, i got tired so i went out to rest and such. A man came over and talked to me, saying he hasn't seen me before around here. So i introduced myself and he did the same, and we ended up in a long discussion about Christ. I told him about my griefs and problems, and i attacked Christianity in a polite, albiet vicious way. However, he responded by saying that everyone has a God shaped hole in his/her heart, and that we've all fallen into a pit of sin, and that we can get things right by moving closer to salvation; Jesus. I got inspired to find out more about Christ and attended a pentacostal church for some time. However, i got no answers, and i gave up on my journey to find the answer.

One day, while i was on the computer, one of my friends, Zhenghui, invited me to Heart of God church. I rejected her very harshly the first time, but softened up and consented with her plea afterwards. I went on a saturday to church. When i came, i was pretty shocked by the enthusiasm of the people and their jumping and cheering. I thought," these people? Total young Religious FANATICS, brainwashed by some person of higher status to serve their petty needs with their pockets. I stood like a rock, while the people around me jumped and sang. When we came to the sermon, i took out a pad and wrote down questions that i always had to ask this pastor, this guy who came out to speak. At first, i didn't pay attention to him. However, i just got drawn to his speaking. It was about evangelisim and conversion, which i always sought to understand but never could. I listened to this man preach and preach, and i just got filled with knowledge i never understood before. I walked out of that place, though shocked and still unbelieving, with one question less. I felt as if a load had been lifted off my back. I looked around and somehow something was nagging at me that i'd be coming here for a really long time? I didn't know what it was, and just went on out.

The next wed, Zhenghui invited me to a Connect Group meeting. I was a sermon by Lynette called Faith. I again was drawn to what she had to hear. It was just amazing- i felt as if everything i had held up inside me for those months of hate was going away. I felt understanding and knowledge. It was really great. When the time came for us to worship, lynette came over and prayed for me. She told me that God has seen my efforts and hate. She told me that God understands the things i face and the problems i had, and that He's seen my journy for answers. She told me that sometimes the beauty about God is that we can't understand Him fully- He's too awesome for us to understand...And i just was shocked. This girl whom i've not met for even an hour just told me things that i've not disclosed to innermost feelings and desires. She then prayed to God for an encounter in my life so that i can finally see, and left. I was left in a very blank, shocked state. And i felt as if it was time to make a big, big big choice in for the first time in my life. And so I just prayed,: "Okay God, or whoever you are. I think maybe i can give you a chance. If you're so real and so amazing, if you exist, I accept you."

and guess what?

"Put your faith in your heart and in everything you do. DON'T GIVE UP."

on Nov 1, 2006, I got saved.

-25 months ago-


-23 months ago-

Life sucks. I'm at the ultimate epitome of my sianness. Guess how much I got for my a-maths? 15/100. That's Fifteen freaking marks out of 100 freaking marks. How freaking bad can it get? Seriously. and If that's not bad enough, guess how much I got for lit? 9/15. I'm seriously dropping..and Chem? 20/30. It's FREAKING LIKE.

-21 months ago-

I'm like, Billy in James Blunt's songs! Well. no use turning back the clock. just move and suffer. I'm looking like a freaking idiot posting thing. I don't deserve to be even like, posting ----. I'm a demon deserved to DIE, and I am not worthy of GOD's GRACE or JESUS'S LOVE.
When I jump down, It's going to be with anton cause it's just us who wants to jump down and die, we'll go to heaven and solve the problems alltogether! People will go like "Anton died? oh okay. =)" and like they will ask "Oh..then who is the other guy who jumped down? Is it the guy with no life one? oh cheh, nevermind him lah. Good riddance." And then we'll go to heaven and we'll sit there for eternity and beside jesus and god and the good folks, If not we'll go to hell and die again and again and again with i find soooo pleasing cause i think you guys like me there cause I AM AN ANGSTY NO ---- LIFE TEENAGER with no ---- friends and who always wants to die and die and no ONE CARES OR GIVES A ----. ---- all, ---- you, I'm going to jump down, YAY! CONGRATULATIONS PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO HELP ME AND ACTUALLY WANTED ME TO DIE, CAUSE I"M GOING TO! HAHAHA! SPECIAL THANKS TO THE PERSON WHO'S GUILTY IN READING THIS, YOU REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE. I REALLY WANNA GO MEET GOD WHO LOVES ME AND LIKES ME AHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!

-15 months ago-

I feel like shit okay. I don't know if anyone bothers to read this..but oh well. I'm just so sick and tired of disgusting personalites. I'm so sick and tired of being jealous. I'm so sick and tired of being ignored. I'm so sick and tired of being looked at like a freako. I'm so sick and tired of petty arugments. I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT LOVE. I'M SO SICK AND TIRED WITH HOMEWORK. I'M SO SICK AND TIRED WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE SO PETTY. I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF TUTION. I don't know what to do, i'm confused. I don't think anyone but a few people care.

-Billy 12 months ago-

Okay. 5am in the morning, i just woke up, my eyes are wide open so i'll post. What these past few weeks have been is just pure different. Last saturday i was invited to heart of god church by zhenghui. You know my usual skeptical self, I prepared like WOAH so many questions and didn't even bother listening. Well but the strange thing is that you know the whole atmosphere there is different man. It's not like your normal church-service-sermon-ahh go home Thing, It somehow gives a really warm feeling to people even such as me visiting for the first time. After the whole thing i decided to just screw the questions and just enjoy. It's a funny feeling, it's like at some point i realised that my questions are going to be answered/have been answered. I'm kinda freaked out so to speak, because actually on wednesday, My CG leader spoke to me and prayed for me. She told me stuff that's so freaking fascinating to hear out of a person you've just known for half an hour or so. She told me my struggle in life. What i've been going through and what i've been looking for. She prayed to god for an encounter to make me see things..and at that point in time she finished up and went to pray for others. I was left with differnt thoughts and different feelings till suddenly i had this overpowering, over dominating thought that just potruded out of my mind. It's like someone just spoke inside my brain okay, i swear, I SWEAR. It went, "Put your faith in your heart and in all you do. Don't give up." After church and a few miniutes of contemplation i realised that this voice was god, and i was just touched by him. It's just so fascinating because after that encounter i left the place a different person, a person with less doubts, fears, and more understanding. A person who is cleansed from all difficulty and hardship. It's like being born again, literally. I can't explain why this happens. But it did. The only thing i have to say is that wow, thank god that i went to heart of god church. It's a new experience and a new life, A new everything. New friends, New understanding, new thoughts and actions. A NEW HEART :D

Just recently.

Yesterday night Clarence called me and he shared some stuff with me about the seven pillars of the church and what we gotta go..and i cant help but think that i've joined a church which is really incredible.

Just thinking of how church progressed over these months i've's so fast! I remember the first time i came into church..I was hard hearted and rejectful, i was closed and cautious. But yet, the people were kind, loving, understanding, and the leaders who led me always understood my perceptions and helped me go through phase after phase. As the months went past, i saw the church grow bigger..I remember the time when we were 500-600+. I remember my first cell group meeting where it was just Me, Dexter, Clarence, Lynette, Zhenghui, Jieru, Jingfen, Samteo, Cherie, Dawei, and Elieen. Now i look at where we're standing and i'm really proud to see how we've grown..we've got so many new people- Pei Jun, Mu-Ying, Vivien, Wei Hao..and the list goes on. And i'm really happy that this trend is moving on! i see new people who i've never even met coming to church..and i see old members coming back too. Bernice, Alicia and Samantha Yap. It's grown so much from just D5 to something that of incredible spiritual size, strength and nature. I can't help but feel that it's really been accelerating and moving fast!

And i always remembered the up and coming makes me proud to see people like Ranford and Carlo rising up into the minstry/leaders area. I remember when i first saw ranford- just a new friend back then..Now he's someone great! A person with a strong faith, a man of God with incredible spirit, love, and he's rising up to be a leader.

I look back and I look at the church now..we're moving to Paya Lebar, things are going up great and rising like never before. I see new people become leaders and serve in ministry..and all this. It just makes me so, so proud to be in Heart of God Church. The love never died out..the growth never stopped. Everything just shot up and really went up exponentially..and it's growing and growing!

Now i really can't wait but look towards the future and take into my anticipating mind the things that we are gonna be doing and what the church is gonna be like. It's a new journey, it's a bigger church, we're moving to a new level of spirituality, and i think i'm going to ride the wave with the rest of the youths and adults in this church, and move on towards the amazing future God has set for us!

The time has come
To stand for all we believe in
So I for one am gonna
Give my praise to You!


The Bill you knew months ago is dead.

Billy died on 1/11/06.

on 1/11/06, Billy died, and was born again.

What else can i say when i see this change? what else but that something supernatural indeed has happened. I'm honestly, deeply so thankful to Jesus.

Love, Billy

I still can't get over what God proved to me: He proved to me that he loves me, he'll forgive me, he'll wash me clean and he'll smile at me no matter how many times i've spit in his face, made fun of him, denounced him or caused his Children to walk away.

God proved to me that day that He loves me, and I decided to love him back.

Well! yup. That's my testimony. Long as it is, that's it.

God's amazing. Just, amazing.


7:14 AM

Hey guys Billy here,

Some Changes i've made:

Font Size Increased
Font type changed to verdana
Tagboard colour and length changed
New Image Headers and Signoffs
Music box shifted
Increased size of blog and sidebar borders
Music changed

I'm thinking of putting up a personalized picture-text thingie for every member of D2. What'dya you guys think?

Keep pushing.

6:08 AM

Dominic Leong
Valerie Fifi

Kristopher Fu
Hoang Hai
Nhat Minh
Sarah Ong
Yi Xiang
Xuan Yi
Kai Zhow

Valerie Tock
Natascha Poh
Wye Keat
Ethel Chua
Valerie Han
Tian Qi
Ying Xuan
Yan Wen
Janice Tan
Ying Xiu

Valerie Iskandar Fifi
Jiang Jun
Jian Fan
Yi Xian
Ming Han

Darryl Seah
Zhe Kuan
Wei Cheng
Shi Hao

Kong Tat
Brian Cheang
Benny Lam
Yang Qin

Cindy Teo
Elysia Lee

Heart of God Church
City Harvest Church
Christian City Church
Pastor Ulf Ekman
Usher Ministry

Zone F

October 2007 memoirs
November 2007 memoirs
December 2007 memoirs
January 2008 memoirs
April 2008 memoirs

Valerie Han - 10 Jan
Tian Qi - 11 Jan

Tran Thu Trang - 10 Mar
Wye Keat - 20 Mar
Jiang Jun - 27 Mar

Sarah Ong - 8 Apr
Bill Nguyen - 29 Apr

Sherlyn Koh - 8 May
Valerie Tock - 10 May
Daniel Hwang - 30 May
Billy Zheng - 31 May

Lee Ming Hong - 2 Jun
Ethel Chua - 8 Jun
Valerie Fifi - 13 Jun

Yi Xian - 6 Jul
Le Phuong Ly - 24Jul

Minh - 23 Aug

Kristopher Fu- 5 Sep

Jian Fan - 3 Oct
Hoang Hai - 21 Oct

Feng Joo Yu - 5 Nov

Dominic Leong - 23 Dec

Tag if i missed you or if any errors! (: